An unsightly public row has broken out between Labour and the LibDems over an Asian Pendle councillor facing calls to resign after she attended just two meetings in the last six months.Figures released this week show that Brierfield ward Coun Naseem Shabnam has missed seven meetings from nine since May.
Mohammed Iqbal, Labour leader at Pendle Council, has called for the Liberal Democrat to ‘step down.’ But Coun Shabnam said her poor attendance record has been due to ill health.
In the last six months there have been three full council meetings held in Pendle, all of which Coun Shabnam has failed to attend. She was present at just two out of six possible Brierfield and Reedley Area Committee meetings.
Mohammed Iqbal said: “It is especially important for her to attend the Brierfield and Reedley Area Committee meetings so she can reach the local community and get an idea of the issues affecting local people. If she’s not able to be there I would call upon her to resign.” But Coun Shabnam said: “I have not been well and have even got a sick note“
Under council policy, if a ward councillor fails to attend a meeting for six months, they can be asked to step down. Coun Tony Greaves, has accused him (Coun Iqbal) of ‘hypocrisy’ after he only attended two meetings of the Executive in the last two years. He added: “In the last two years he has been once to put his views across about taxis and then left straight after - for him to accuse other people is hypocrisy. Coun Greaves also said he thought Coun Iqbal was ‘stupid’ not to attend. But Coun Iqbal said he is under no obligation to attend the meetings and has slammed Coun Greaves for only attending 50 per cent of the last six meetings himself.
Lord Greaves is also quoted as saying, “I am surprised that Councillor Iqbal is pursuing this matter - pots and kettles come to mind.He gets an extra allowance to perform his duties as the third party (Labour) leader. One of those duties is to attend meetings of the Council Executive. I think he has been to just one such meeting in the past two years (and stayed for just one item on taxis).But it's typical of Councillor Iqbal - nothing constructive to offer to the Council or local people so he just "goes for the man not the ball".
As for Councillor Shabnam we are giving her as much support as possible in returning to her duties. She has been an excellent Councillor for Brierfield. (Well, he would say that wouldn’t he)?
To which Coun Iqbal replied,“Clearly Lord Greaves is spending too much time in London these days, as his attendance figures are worthy of a visit by residents. As for his claim about me attending Executive meetings, I get paid the extra £2,000 per annum for being Leader of the Labour group. I refuse to attend the meetings of the Executive which is run by Cllr Greaves and his other 9 colleagues who do as he tells them to. I along with Councillor Beckett , Tory leader refuse to take a seat at the table as Cllr Greaves refused to allow us equal rights at the table , we have no voting rights on any decisions. If he is the prepared to pass the "ball" then let's have an all Party Executive and not a dictatorship run by the few. As for his comment about Councillor Shabnam he hits the nail on the head when he says "she HAS been an excellent Councillor.
Pendle BNP councillor Brian Parker was quoted as saying "Pigs, Troughs, Snouts comes to mind"
I want this post about my mother removed because when I type something into google about brierfield my mothers picture comes up and then the title sick counciler and then all the bullshit underneeth it my mother was the first muslim lady counciler in brierfield and as as single mother she did alot for me and my brother and sisters and went through a hard time raising us as she was ill at the time and still is untill this day I am so proud of her and so was every body els she did alot for the community and as for mr mohammed iqbal you HATER you should run that big mouth to your wife who probably came to england as an illegal immigrant and just sits on her ass making burnt chappaties for you and your sons may I ask one question.. ...what did you do for the local community????? Except from talk the most shit any one in brierfield has heard so who evers posted this please remove it im being as kind as I can if not you better open your doors when I knock on ....youve got the message now make your minds up before I make you make your minds up
I want this post about my mother removed because when I type something into google about brierfield my mothers picture comes up and then the title sick counciler and then all the bullshit underneeth it my mother was the first muslim lady counciler in brierfield and as as single mother she did alot for me and my brother and sisters and went through a hard time raising us as she was ill at the time and still is untill this day I am so proud of her and so was every body els she did alot for the community and as for mr mohammed iqbal you HATER you should run that big mouth to your wife who probably came to england as an illegal immigrant and just sits on her ass making burnt chappaties for you and your sons may I ask one question.. ...what did you do for the local community????? Except from talk the most shit any one in brierfield has heard so who evers posted this please remove it im being as kind as I can if not you better open your doors when I knock on ....youve got the message now make your minds up before I make you make your minds up
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