Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Masturbating Asian jailed after fatal crash

It is not often we here at Pendle towers are surprised at the antics of the “bearers of enrichment”. However, just when one thinks one cannot be shocked anymore along comes Imran Hussain.
He has to genuinely take the prize for the most despicable excuse for a human beings I can think of. As a consequence of his disgusting reckless antics two good decent human being have been added to the fallen list, the price of “enrichment” we have had foisted upon us by successive governments who didn’t bother to have the courtesy to ask us first.
Hussain is a drunk driver who killed a father and son in a motorway smash whilst performing a sex act on himself minutes prior to the collision, a court heard. Imran Hussain was driving at speeds of up to 120mph minutes before ploughing into the back of a Fiat Punto carrying the Proctor family, from Wakefield. Gary Proctor, 47, and son James, 16, died in the smash on the M62 motorway near Rochdale, on 3 August. Hussain, of Bradford, was jailed for eight years at Manchester Crown Court. The court heard that Hussain's penis was partially exposed when motorists came to his aid after the crash.
This disgusting excuse for a human being will be back on the streets and no doubt on the roads too in about 4 years time. We say 20 years would not be long enough, reduced maybe after castration.

Monday, 8 December 2008

Sick Brierfield councillor 'should resign’, says Labour

An unsightly public row has broken out between Labour and the LibDems over an Asian Pendle councillor facing calls to resign after she attended just two meetings in the last six months.Figures released this week show that Brierfield ward Coun Naseem Shabnam has missed seven meetings from nine since May.

Mohammed Iqbal, Labour leader at Pendle Council, has called for the Liberal Democrat to ‘step down.’ But Coun Shabnam said her poor attendance record has been due to ill health.
In the last six months there have been three full council meetings held in Pendle, all of which Coun Shabnam has failed to attend. She was present at just two out of six possible Brierfield and Reedley Area Committee meetings.

Mohammed Iqbal said: “It is especially important for her to attend the Brierfield and Reedley Area Committee meetings so she can reach the local community and get an idea of the issues affecting local people. If she’s not able to be there I would call upon her to resign.” But Coun Shabnam said: “I have not been well and have even got a sick note“

Under council policy, if a ward councillor fails to attend a meeting for six months, they can be asked to step down. Coun Tony Greaves, has accused him (Coun Iqbal) of ‘hypocrisy’ after he only attended two meetings of the Executive in the last two years. He added: “In the last two years he has been once to put his views across about taxis and then left straight after - for him to accuse other people is hypocrisy. Coun Greaves also said he thought Coun Iqbal was ‘stupid’ not to attend. But Coun Iqbal said he is under no obligation to attend the meetings and has slammed Coun Greaves for only attending 50 per cent of the last six meetings himself.

Lord Greaves is also quoted as saying, “I am surprised that Councillor Iqbal is pursuing this matter - pots and kettles come to mind.He gets an extra allowance to perform his duties as the third party (Labour) leader. One of those duties is to attend meetings of the Council Executive. I think he has been to just one such meeting in the past two years (and stayed for just one item on taxis).But it's typical of Councillor Iqbal - nothing constructive to offer to the Council or local people so he just "goes for the man not the ball".

As for Councillor Shabnam we are giving her as much support as possible in returning to her duties. She has been an excellent Councillor for Brierfield. (Well, he would say that wouldn’t he)?

To which Coun Iqbal replied,“Clearly Lord Greaves is spending too much time in London these days, as his attendance figures are worthy of a visit by residents. As for his claim about me attending Executive meetings, I get paid the extra £2,000 per annum for being Leader of the Labour group. I refuse to attend the meetings of the Executive which is run by Cllr Greaves and his other 9 colleagues who do as he tells them to. I along with Councillor Beckett , Tory leader refuse to take a seat at the table as Cllr Greaves refused to allow us equal rights at the table , we have no voting rights on any decisions. If he is the prepared to pass the "ball" then let's have an all Party Executive and not a dictatorship run by the few. As for his comment about Councillor Shabnam he hits the nail on the head when he says "she HAS been an excellent Councillor.
Pendle BNP councillor Brian Parker was quoted as saying "Pigs, Troughs, Snouts comes to mind"

What on earth is going on?

One bit of snow and the whole of the borough’s public services comes to a halt, half of the schools have been closed, which means parents having to have time off work to take care of the children, have we never had snow before?

I remember 20 years ago in Pendle council staff would throw grit down each of the back streets to allow essential services to gain access such as refuse collection, milkman etc, vital services if you’re an elderly resident, but now you’d be hard pressed to see a gritter save for the main trunk roads. The yellow grit containers on the end of every street have been stood there doing nothing in the same position all year so that the local kids can have a field day wrecking them and throwing the contents around and now have long since been emptied so that when winter arrives and we actually do need them they are of as much use as; well, an empty box .

Pendle council have issued the following statement;
"This council expresses great concern at the inadequate gritting service provided by the county council following the reduction of gritting wagons from four to three vehicles last year, the cuts in length of streets and roads salted on the precautionary routes, the refusal to grit residential cul-de-sacs or streets deemed 'too steep' by the county council and the cut in the amount of salt spread on those roads which are treated.

"This council resolves to demand that the county council restores the gritting service to an adequate level at least equivalent to that provided during the 30 years when Pendle Council carried out such work."

No doubt they will cite shortage of funds for the pathetic performance, but when it comes to promoting ethnic diversity at every opportunity into every aspect of our lives they have enough money for that, they can’t afford to give kids free milk but oh yes, they’ve suddenly got enough money to introduce barbaric Halal meat dinners onto the menu of every schoolchild in Lancashire without any consultation from the parents, (which as we all know is a brainwashing technique, all part of ZaNu Labour's big social engineering plan). They have money for that no problem.

While British pensioners face the choice between ‘eating or heating’, UK taxpayers will cough up nearly £500 million on schools and hospitals in Pakistan in a bid to buy off Islamist extremists blamed for terrorist attacks such as that in Mumbai last month.
This figure is in addition to the £1 billion given to Pakistan in July this year. I have to point out at his point that Pakistan has a Space Program, but Britain can’t afford one.

And the madness seems never ending; only this week we've had to listen to the Marxist BBC telling us how bad the cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe is, however, some three years ago whilst Zimbabwe's “war veterans” were busy murdering white farmers, the Mugabe government then was busy begging Britain for help in dealing with the cholera epidemic. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown responded by promising at least £8 million in assistance, despite the fact that the disease, spread by ingestion of faecal-contaminated food or water, is easily containable by basic hygiene.

“Our central hospitals are literally not working,” David Parirenyatwa, Zimbabwe’s Health Minister said at the time. “Our staff are de-motivated and we need your money and support to ensure that they start coming to work and our health system is revived.”

Well Gordon I have news for you, our Hospitals aren’t working either, also neither is anything else except for the relentless destruction of this country's well being since Nu Labour came to office.

Friday, 5 December 2008

Heroin dealer put behind bars.

A drug dealer who sold heroin to other suppliers has been jailed for five years.
Father-of-two Javed Khan was arrested after police, on other duties, came across him supplying to a man about noon in May last year. His home was then searched and officers found £3,000 cash which was contaminated with heroin, 1,000 plastic bags and weighing scales stashed in a cupboard, Burnley Crown Court heard. The defendant initially indicated he wanted to admit the allegation, but changed his mind, denied it and stood trial. He was convicted by a jury in October, but still protested his innocence and alleged claims by a probation officer that he had said he wished he had owned up and could turn back time were untrue, the hearing was told. Khan (33), of St Mary's Street, Nelson, was found guilty of possessing heroin with intent to supply. Sentencing.
DC Rachel North said cash at Khan's home had been "saturated" in drugs. She said she was very pleased with the length of sentence and added: "The judge recognised the defendant was not just a street dealer. He was supplying at high level and profiting from it."
The narco-terrorism poisoning white youth and destroying families in Pendle continues although with one less narco terrorist. This sentence comes only days after Pendle BNP councillor Brian Parker was arrested in a heavy handed dawn raid by several policemen, had his house ransacked and had personal phones of family members as well as council phones and computers seized after he allegedly distributed a leaflet that sought to secure an apology from Muslims for the heroin trade after it allegedly claimed 95% of the worlds Heroin was produced and distributed by Muslims. Unfortunately for councillor Parker, it’s not fascist oppression when ZanuLabour does it, only when you try and tell the truth does it become a crime in their eyes.

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Black police officer 'wore traditional African robe to work in protest over dress code'

DC Paul Bailey, unlike more than 100,000 ordinary policemen, decided he didn't want to wear a necktie to work, and staged a bizarre protest by coming to work in traditional African robes!
His protest came after a number of disputes with senior officers over his behaviour and attitude on the force.
After a disgreement over his work appraisal, the detective accused five senior officers at Greater Manchester Police of racial discrimination.
A full investigation in his claims was launched but his complaint was later found to be unsubstantiated.
Senior officers then launched a two-year inquiry into the behaviour of the detective which last week, when he was found guilty of wearing the robe, arguing with a senior officer over the force policy on neck ties, disputing his appraisal in an unprofessional way and appearing to look disinterested during briefings.
The panel found the incidents represented a 'continuing course of conduct' and that over a long period of time his "behaviour was unacceptable", but also ruled he should not face any disciplinary action!
And that verdict says all there is to say about the continuing decline in professional standards of police officers and the inability of the police force to effectively discipline anyone regardless of their offence thanks to the Race Relations Act and the Human Rights Act!
You want to join the police force but can't be bothered obeying the rules? - claim "discrimination" and waste hundreds of police hours and tens of thousands of taxpayers money!
You don't get promoted to the No.1 position? - sue for millions of pounds on the grounds of "discrimination"!
And so it goes on and on - while on the streets and in the real world, real people who pay the wages of these people are being murdered, raped, assaulted, mugged - but where are the police?
At another senseless and pointless tribunal hearing because someone claimed that being asked to appear smart and professional was "discrimination"!

Police arrest 16 after brutal attack on war veteran

Detectives investigating the burglary and assault of a war veteran in Pendle have arrested 16 people. If found guilty a BNP government would make these people wish they hadn't been born.

Officers made the arrests in an operation in the Blackpool area.Sixteen men aged 17 to 55 have been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit burglary and will be interviewed at police stations in Burnley and Blackburn.Detectives launched an investigation after an incident in the early hours of Monday, in Salterforth.War veteran Bob Schofield (89) and his wife Mollie (87) were asleep in bed when intruders entered their home. Bob confronted the intruders and was beaten repeatedly, causing facial injuries. Mrs Schofield was not physically injured, but was left shocked.The couple, who were discovered by relatives, were taken by ambulance to Airedale Hospital where Bob remains. Mollie is being cared for at a nearby care home. Their condition is said to be improving slowly.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Bulldozers move into the Great Marsden Hotel

The Great Marsden

Jimmy Nelson's Sports Club

Pendle council’s relentless drive to destroy every last vestige of any Architectural Britishness in Nelson continues unabated with yet another one of the town's best-loved buildings about to be demolished.

The Great Marsden Hotel - once the home of cotton king Amos Nelson and later a home for the blind - will be bulldozed to make way for a new 70-bed nursing care home.
Despite previous attempts by local residents to have these buildings listed, the Lib/Lab councillors threw out these proposals in favour of demolition. Over the past few years, Nelson has lost a series of impressive buildings, like Salem Chapel, the Grand Cinema and Jimmy Nelson's Sports Club.
The once proud British Legion Building on Railway St has now been converted to a garish coloured Mosque. Permission has also recently been granted by Pendle council to convert the impressive Silverman Hall right in the centre of Nelson into yet another Mosque.Any day now, work will begin on knocking down the old grammar school, while the old Nelson Leader print works in Every Street and Edge End High School in Hibson Road will go soon and the former Regent Cinema is becoming more derelict.Sir Amos Nelson, whose family ran the Valley Mills cotton empire in Southfield Street, Nelson, whose initials remain on mosaic flooring in the main entrance, built the Great Marsden.The Nelsons then gave it as a home for the blind, which it remained for many years.In 1969, it was taken over by a very different textile family - the Warrens. As King Cotton died in Lancashire, the Warrens were involved in exporting textile equipment across the world.

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Victory for BNP as Liverpool Police Drop all Charges against Activists

Thousands of ‘Racism Cuts Both Ways’ booklets and other BNP leaflets were distributed in a co-ordinated day of campaigning in the city centre, which saw the Truth Truck and three other A-frame advertising vehicles sweep through large parts of the surrounding suburbs, all proudly carrying the party’s message to thousands of well wishers. The BNP activists on foot - which included party chairman Nick Griffin, deputy leader Simon Darby, Greater London Assembly member Richard Barnbrook - then converged on the city centre at around midday, occupying one of the major pedestrianised intersections.There, with flags flying, the BNP activists, which included an age range spread from pensioners to youngsters, continued distributing leaflets and recruiting from members of the public. A small crowd of bussed-in leftists were kept at bay by a police presence.After an hour and half, the BNP crowd moved to the steps of St. George’s Hall in the city centre, where Mr Griffin gave a short address, pointing out that it was the preparedness of the BNP activists to be arrested en masse which had driven the police to withdraw all charges against the ‘Liverpool 13' earlier in the day.

Friday, 28 November 2008

Which Faith does our Church defend?

It seems incredible to us that those leaders of the Christian Church here in Britain so determined to appease Islam in our country, appear so apparently ignorant of the suffering of their co-religionists in the Serbian province of Kosovo!
Are they not aware, for instance, that since KFOR took responsibility for the province that around two hundred Christian churches, monasteries, shrines and other sites of worship have been systematically destroyed or otherwise desecrate, in what can only be seen as an organised campaign of cultural cleansing?
Can they really be unaware that quite apart from the great many Christians who have been murdered, raped, robbed and mutilated over the last nine years, that hundreds of thousands more have been driven from their homes and forced to flee for their lives by the adherents of the very religion that they go to such lengths to defend? Many would regard this as ethnic cleansing!
Do they seriously believe that Kosovo marks the end of Islamic expansion in Europe and are truly ignorant of Islamicist designs on adjoining areas of Serbia and Macedonia – both having very significant Islamic communities?
Do they really believe there will ever be peace in the Balkans whilst there are those amongst the Religion of “Piece” who, because of “recognition”, will now be encouraged to seek another piece of Serbia, another piece of Macedonia, another piece of Bosnia, another piece of Montenegro etc?
Is our Church, here in Britain, led by fools, ignoramuses or merely third-columnists?
A brief video, which touches upon “Greater Albania”, may be viewed here:
An interactive document which lists some 76 Christian Churches and other sites destroyed, damaged or otherwise desecrated during the five months following the arrival of KFOR “peacekeepers” in Kosovo – but not the almost one hundred sites since – may be viewed here.
Readers should click on the name of the site in the table within the document to activate associated images and text.
What future our country with spiritual guardians such as these in place?

Thursday, 27 November 2008

The Green man. Symbol of man's connection to nature.

The enigmatic and often disturbing foliate heads and masks which adorn many of our churches are pagan in origin, albeit Roman and Greek paganism, and can be found in all corners of what was the Roman Empire. The Green Man has been adopted world-wide with some stunning sixth century representations to be found in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum.
However, the Green Man has found a special and intriguing place in British history in the past thousand years or so. He flourished throughout England in Medieval times, and he is also infamously seen at the Rosslyn Chapel (mid fifteenth century) in Midlothian, Scotland where he has a part to play in a storm of controversy and conspiracy theories.
The first carvings of foliate heads originated in Roman art during the second half of the first century AD. These early foliate heads and masks were usually adorned with acanthus leaves, a common plant in the Mediterranean at the time.
Foliate heads made an appearance at Neumagen in Germany carved on the sarcophagi of wine merchants during the second and third centuries. As Kathleen Basford wonders in her book ‘The Green Man’, this “perhaps recalls the ancient rustic festivals held in honour of Dionysos where revellers stained their faces with new wine and masked them with huge beards made out of leaves.”
However, the Green Man didn’t make his first appearance in Britain until the eleventh century where he put down roots in the Church and adapted his leafy structure to the English way of life, incorporating oak leaves, hawthorn, ivy and hops during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
In twelfth century churches such as St John the Evangelist, (Elkstone, Gloucestershire) and St Leonard, (Linley, Shropshire) the Green Man is crudely depicted in the stonework, but in St Mary and St David (Kilpeck, Herefordshire) the doorway carvings are beautifully chiselled in intricate detail.
The Green man began life in Britain and countries north of the Alps as a diabolical figure. In Exeter Cathedral he is depicted as being trodden upon by The Virgin, but without knowing the artist’s motives we can only guess at what he was trying to portray. Perhaps it is the triumph of Christianity over paganism or the triumph of ‘higher’ man over his animal nature. The Green Man has also been portrayed as the three-headed Satan (Triceps Beelzebub, the Trinity of Evil) which shows evidence of being perpetuated in Scandinavia but is comparatively rare in Britain. Fifteenth century examples of the unholy Trinity can be found in the Green Man’s portrayal as a devil in Chester Cathedral and as a crowned tricephalos at Cartmel Priory, Cumbria.
The Green Man branched out and flourished within the confines of the Church across Europe in the thirteenth century with unusual and startling depictions in Bamberg Cathedral, Germany and in Auxerre Cathedral, France. The former is in stone - a rectangular, almost stylised portrait of the Green Man - with an indescribable, yet knowing, expression, while in Auxerre he peers down at the congregation in bewilderment.
Nowadays, the Green Man is claimed as belonging to various groups, from neo-Pagans to certain occult societies. The worship of nature and the worship of the severed head certainly have places in British folk-lore and customs stretching back in time and a recurring character is Jack in the Green. He is also known as the Grass King, King of the May, the Wild Man, King of the Wood and more, and it can be said that in any of these incarnations he represents the spirit of vegetation. Frazer’s ‘The Golden Bough’ cites many examples of customs pertaining to Jack in the Green, too numerous to mention, but suffice it to say that the custom of beheading a foliate man effigy at the vernal equinox is persistent throughout Europe.
We can only guess at the reasons why the Church adopted the Green Man and in what context their architects meant him to be portrayed. In more recent centuries he has captured the public imagination as can be seen by the number of pubs bearing his name. However, as artists and pagans alike continue with their fascination with the Green Man it seems that we haven’t outgrown him yet nor completely forgotten that we are, like him, enmeshed with our natural surroundings.

Politically motivated Police raids on local BNP members.

Four BNP activists from Blackburn and Nelson were interviewed by police yesterday over perfectly legal leaflets after ‘internal pressure from the Muslim Police Association’ a senior police source has said.Brian Parker, Robin Evans, Tony Bamber and Lee Karner — all hardworking BNP activists, were detained by police in Gestapo-like dawn raids yesterday, and taken to Burnley police station for ‘interviews under caution.’ They were released at 5pm yesterday and unconditionally bailed until February next year.The leaflets that sparked off the detentions were a local one linking Muslim gangs to the heroin trade, and the BNP’s national Islam leaflet (download your own copy by clicking here).Both leaflets are perfectly legal, having been thoroughly vetted. The local heroin leaflet was in fact already the subject of an investigation by the Crown Prosecution Service, who ruled definitively that it was legal.The CPS’s made the decision not to prosecute over the leaflet, however a source within the Police has let us know the decision to make the arrests was made higher up the chain of command and not at a local level, confirming what we already know to be a politically motivated move.
The leaflet, which points out the preponderance of Islamic gangs in the heroin trade and the fact that the majority of heroin comes from Pakistan and Afghanistan — did not sit well with the National Association of Muslim Police (Christians need not apply) who have instigated a renewed investigation, according to a police source.BNP leader Nick Griffin and several dozen activists from the local area and around the country (including, but not limited to, Andrew and Peter Tierney from Liverpool, who brought their now-famous A-frame vehicle; Adam Walker and a small team from the North East; and Derek Adams from Manchester) demonstrated outside Burnley police station until late.“We received a fantastic response from the public,” Mr Griffin said. “One member of the public stopped, found out what was going on, and, so incensed at the outrage, complained to the police and gave the BNP a £100 donation on the spot,” he said.The BNP will, of course, fight this travesty of justice, and, just like the media coverage given to the supposed membership list “leak,” this latest attempt to demonise the party will blow back in its originators’ faces.

Police probe machete attack at 21st birthday party

A GANG of youths rolled up with machetes, baseball bats and snooker cues in an "altercation" with party guests outside Nelson Cricket Club.
Police said up to 100 people, including families with children, were at the 21st birthday celebration on Friday night when the "nasty incident" occurred, leaving three people needing hospital treatment and others as "walking wounded".
Originally three Asian men arrived in a red Honda Civic Type R at 10-45 p.m. and argued with smokers outside the club before driving away, only to return 30 minutes later with up to a dozen Asian males in more cars, brandishing baseball bats, and knives plus other weapons.One man from the party was left with 40 stiches to the face , another a suspected broken hand and a third with severe bruising. All were treated at Royal Blackburn Hospital.Police are still seeking the initial three occupants of the red car and are asking for anyone with information to come forward.Det. Insp. Sion Hall said: "It was a really nasty job."However, he isn't treating it as a racially motivated attack. "We're cautious at the moment as to what sparked it off," he said. "Just because Asians and whites have been fighting doesn't necessarily make it a racially-motivated incident, but if that is later the case then it will be reflected in the charges."Police said the armed gang fled when they were outnumbered by guests from inside the venue, and the red Honda hit a woman as they "erratically" sped away.Others were treated for minor injuries at Burnley General Hospital. All have since been discharged and are currently recovering.DI Hall added: "I would appeal for the occupants of the red Honda to come and speak to the police."Two local Asian men from the Briarfield area were arrested and charged with the attack shortly after the incident. but for reasons only known to the Police were later released on bail.

Remembrance in the Rain at Nelson and Colne

The dedication shown by so many BNP branches across Britain paying homage to the fallen on Remembrance Day is exemplified by Pendle BNP.
The Pendle Branch remembered our glorious war dead at Colne in the morning and Nelson in the afternoon by laying crosses on behalf of the British National Party at both services. Pendle BNP’s two serving councillors, Cllr Brian Norton Parker and Cllr Adam Grant attended both services in the most atrocious of weather.
The picture shows just some of the determined BNP members who defied the inclement weather to attend, fully aware of the gallantry of those servicemen who faced far worse than mere rain and wind.

EU endorses Halal cruelty

The HYPOCRITICAL European Commission has proposed new rules to “improve the welfare of animals during their slaughter” according to media reports. Yet in the same breath as this body tells us about their plans to “improve animal welfare during slaughter” they inform us that barbaric Halal slaughter will be allowed to continue!
Where is the logic in that we ask?
And whilst slaughterhouses will be monitored more frequently to ensure pre-slaughter stunning techniques are effective – no such considerations are to be extended to those unfortunate beasts destined for a slow Halal death.
According to one EU Commissioner for Health: “These proposals will make a real difference to the way animals are treated at the time of slaughter, as well as promoting innovation and providing a level playing field for operators” – not for the millions of cattle, sheep, lambs, goats and poultry facing inane ritual slaughter it won’t!
Meanwhile the senior policy advisor to Compassion in World Farming, Peter Stevenson, whilst welcoming the proposals said that they did not go far enough to protect animals. He is reported as saying in respect of Halal slaughter: “Whilst we fully respect religious beliefs, this should not extend to permitting a slaughter method that causes pain and distress.”
So the “bottom line” remains as before – whilst mainstream slaughter methods are to be tightened up in the interest of animal welfare – practitioners of Halal slaughter can legally continue to subject millions of beasts to a slow barbaric death in the name of religion!
As an aside, the silence of all those Labour MPs who voted for a ban on fox hunting professing their opposition to animal cruelty is, as they say, deafening. Then again the Labour Party, every bit as much as the CONservatives, are increasingly dependent upon certain ethnic minorities in terms of votes and money.
Land & People joins with the British National Party in demanding an end to this, the most prolific form of animal cruelty practised in Britain, and a ban on the importation of all meat products derived from the obscenity that is ritual slaughter